The Trap of Just a Little More

If your happiness is based on always getting a little more than you’ve got, then you’re trapped.

You’ll never be happy.

Me too.

Of course, I didn’t see it at the time. I truly believed I’d be happy when I, in fact, got that little bit more. That small step would be the solution. I always knew the answer, and it always involved just a “little more.”

But it’s a trap.

I’d get a little more, and the target would move. Suddenly, it takes a little more than a little more in order to be happy.

Some people look at my life and say “Sure, Rosen. You’ve got lots. What’re you complaining about, asshole?” They’re right, of course. Yep, I’ve got a little more than some. Of course, I’ve got a little less than others. It’s all perspective.

Even in your student loan debt-ridden, mortgaged and second mortgaged, auto-loaned world, you’ve got more than some. Of course, and you’re already well aware of this, you’ve got less than others.

Are you waiting for a little more in order to be happy? If so, I promise that you’re stuck in the trap and getting a little more won’t get you out. Seriously.

We recently got rid of our tangible possessions and downsized to a carry-on bag. The elimination of things has forced me into some reflection on this topic. Of course, I keep the reflection in check with caffeine, alcohol, busyness, television, and loud music. But, in between diversions, I can feel the thoughts happening.

Since my brain is forcing me to reflect, I’m going to jam my acquired wisdom down your throat. Misery loves company, right?

So, if your happiness is based on always getting a little more than you’ve got, then you’re trapped. Seeing that it’s a trap and that there really isn’t any way out except to decide to be happy is the key to being happy. Getting a little more won’t help at all.

Can’t do it? Decided to be happy and still believe that a little more will make the difference?

Yeah, I haven’t done that much reflecting. I’ve only got it working for me, and it’s only for brief moments when I can hold the idea still enough to see it. You’ve got to work this out for you, okay?

The best I can do is point out the trap. Odds are, you’ve already stepped in it. You’re smart, capable, and effective. Figure a way to get your foot out of the trap.

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