You’ve Got to Know the News

I know a lawyer who doesn’t pay attention to the news. He doesn’t read a paper, watch TV news, or keep up with what’s happening via the Internet. Pretty much the only thing he knows about what’s happening in the world sneaks into his brain accidentally via Facebook.

There’s a word for lawyers who are deliberately oblivious about what’s happening in the world.

They’re called “idiots.”

No News Is Not Good News

Look, I’m a big believer in the idea that the news damages your mood. The current state of the media isn’t particularly helpful to our mental state. The overemphasis on the negative and the constant “verge of disaster” presentation is stressful.

But not knowing what’s happening in the world just makes you look stupid.

It wouldn’t matter if you lived by yourself in a bubble. If, however, you’re building a practice and attempting to enhance your reputation, then you need to interact with others. You need to know people who can refer to your practice.

What happens when you go to lunch with another lawyer and reveal that you know absolutely nothing about what’s happening in the world? The other lawyer thinks you’re ignorant, lacking in curiosity, and disconnected from your role as an informed, influential member of the community. You’re not likely to get referrals.

Of course, some of your networking partners will be clueless as well. That’s great. You won’t have to worry about showing off your knowledge of civic affairs at those lunches. You can spend the meal discussing what color looks best on you. However, when your lunch date knows things, then you need to be prepared to engage. That’s only going to happen if you know things as well.

Don’t Let It Be News to You

You need working familiarity with the news. At a minimum, you should subscribe to and read The Week. It’s a fairly comprehensive summary of the weekly news. It’ll give you enough to have an intelligent conversation and look like you care about the world in which you live.

Personally, I read the online version of the local paper as well as The New York Times. You can cover the same ground in half a dozen ways. It doesn’t matter how you keep up with the news as long as you do keep up with the news.

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