Will Your Resolution Leave You Happy or Disappointed?

What if your New Year’s resolution was “no more”? What if you decided that you have enough? What if you resolved not to grow?

I understand that suggesting that enough is enough is contrary to most everything else I suggest. I know that I’m spending today going in a different direction. Bear with me.

What if this year means no new offices, no additional positions on your team, no new marketing programs, and no new practice areas?

Specifically, what if you decided that this year’s revenue will be exactly the same as last year’s revenue?

What would happen?

  • Is it possible that you’d be more selective about the cases you take, knowing that you can only take so many?
  • Is it possible that you’d be more efficient, knowing that you’d only make more money if you improve your margins?
  • Is it possible that you’d be more effective, knowing that you’re locked into learning about what you’re presently doing?
  • Is it possible that you’d be more capable because you’d be focused on what’s in front of you now instead of what’s coming next?
  • Is it possible that your team would settle down because of the slowing of change?
  • Is it possible that you’d be more profitable?
  • Is it possible that you’ll create happier clients?
  • More importantly, is it possible that you’ll create a happier you?

It’s hard to win a race with no finish line. It’s hard to feel like you’re progressing when the game has no rules. It’s hard to feel that you have enough when enough is never enough.

This year is your year. You get to define the game, make the rules, and decide what the outcome means to you. What if your resolution this year is that enough is enough? What if your resolution is “no more”?

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